Changes to Sencha Touch 2.2 Theming Part 1: Using Iconography

Sencha Touch 2.2 handles iconography very differently than its predecessors. Whereas Touch 1.x-2.1 base-64 encoded PNG files into your app’s stylesheet, Touch 2.2 instead uses a web font from to render iconography in your app’s buttons. This new methodology should significantly improve the performance of your app, particularly with respect to memory consumption. Unfortunately, you will likely need to spend a small bit of time refactoring your code as the strings used to identify icons do not match up to the icon library that had been available in previous versions of Touch. More importantly, the procedure for incorporating your own custom iconography has changed as you will now need to encode your custom icons into a web font (covered in part 2 of this blog entry).

Reviewing the Out of the Box Icons

I’ve catalogued the new iconography and their corresponding string identifiers below:

anchor box c d e  f g i
anchor box upload forbidden lightning rss  team info
 k  l m  n  o  p  q  r
heart list list table folder pencil chat2 retweet
t u v w  x  y A B
time switch camera chat settings2 settings  attach
D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K
eye  file  browser home inbox  network key
N  P  Q  R  S  T  U
news photos power action favorites plane user video
truck  Z  expand  refresh  check  check2  play  pause
truck chart expand refresh check check2 play pause
forward  rewind  play2 refresh2  minus battery left right
forward rewind play2 refresh2 minus battery left right
 wireless spedometer  more  print  download  warning_black  locate  trash
wireless spedo
more print down
locate trash
 bank flag  add  delete  lock unlock  minus2  up
bank flag add delete lock unlock minus2 up
 screens bell quote volume_mute volume help  arrow_left  arrow_right
screens bell quote volume
volume help arrow
 arrow_down  organize  star  maps  reply  attachment  s
organize book
star maps reply attach
 C  W
M stop shuffle cart down arrow_up
cloud compose mail stop shuffle cart down arrow

Behind the scenes, the SCSS mixin icon-character-for-name maps the iconCls icon identifier to a specific character in the pictos font. This mixin is located at the following location:


@function icon-character-for-name($name) {

    // Row 1
    @if ($name == "anchor") { @return "a"; }
    @else if ($name == "box") { @return "b"; }
    @else if ($name == "upload") { @return "c"; }
    @else if ($name == "forbidden") { @return "d"; }
    @else if ($name == "lightning") { @return "e"; }
    @else if ($name == "rss") { @return "f"; }
    @else if ($name == "team") { @return "g"; }
//    @else if ($name == "h") { @return "h"; }
    @else if ($name == "info") { @return "i"; }
    @else if ($name == "attachment") { @return "j"; }
    @else if ($name == "heart") { @return "k"; }
    @else if ($name == "list") { @return "l"; }
    @else if ($name == "music") { @return "m"; }
    @else if ($name == "table") { @return "n"; }
    @else if ($name == "folder") { @return "o"; }
    @else if ($name == "pencil") { @return "p"; }
    @else if ($name == "chat2") { @return "q"; }
    @else if ($name == "retweet") { @return "r"; }
    @else if ($name == "search") { @return "s"; }
    @else if ($name == "time") { @return "t"; }
    @else if ($name == "switch") { @return "u"; }
    @else if ($name == "camera") { @return "v"; }
    @else if ($name == "chat") { @return "w"; }
    @else if ($name == "settings2") { @return "x"; }
    @else if ($name == "settings") { @return "y"; }

    // Row 2
    @else if ($name == "attachment2") { @return "A"; }
    @else if ($name == "bird") { @return "B"; }
    @else if ($name == "cloud") { @return "C"; }
    @else if ($name == "delete_black1") { @return "D"; }
    @else if ($name == "eye") { @return "E"; }
    @else if ($name == "file") { @return "F"; }
    @else if ($name == "browser") { @return "G"; }
    @else if ($name == "home") { @return "H"; }
    @else if ($name == "inbox") { @return "I"; }
    @else if ($name == "network") { @return "J"; }
    @else if ($name == "key") { @return "K"; }
//    @else if ($name == "") { @return "L"; }
    @else if ($name == "mail") { @return "M"; }
    @else if ($name == "news") { @return "N"; }
//    @else if ($name == "") { @return "O"; }
    @else if ($name == "photos") { @return "P"; }
    @else if ($name == "power") { @return "Q"; }
    @else if ($name == "action") { @return "R"; }
    @else if ($name == "favorites") { @return "S"; }
    @else if ($name == "plane") { @return "T"; }
    @else if ($name == "user") { @return "U"; }
    @else if ($name == "video") { @return "V"; }
    @else if ($name == "compose") { @return "W"; }
    @else if ($name == "truck") { @return "X"; }
//    @else if ($name == "") { @return "Y"; }
    @else if ($name == "chart") { @return "Z"; }

    // Row 3
    @else if ($name == "expand") { @return "`"; }
    @else if ($name == "refresh") { @return "1"; }
    @else if ($name == "check") { @return "2"; }
    @else if ($name == "check2") { @return "3"; }
    @else if ($name == "play") { @return "4"; }
    @else if ($name == "pause") { @return "5"; }
    @else if ($name == "stop") { @return "6"; }
    @else if ($name == "forward") { @return "7"; }
    @else if ($name == "rewind") { @return "8"; }
    @else if ($name == "play2") { @return "9"; }
    @else if ($name == "refresh2") { @return "0"; }
    @else if ($name == "minus") { @return "-"; }
    @else if ($name == "battery") { @return "="; }
    @else if ($name == "left") { @return "["; }
    @else if ($name == "right") { @return "]"; }
    @else if ($name == "shuffle") { @return ";"; }
    @else if ($name == "wireless") { @return "'"; }
    @else if ($name == "speedometer") { @return ","; }
    @else if ($name == "more") { @return "."; }
    @else if ($name == "print") { @return "/"; }

    // Row 4
    @else if ($name == "download") { @return "~"; }
    @else if ($name == "warning_black") { @return "!"; }
    @else if ($name == "locate") { @return "@"; }
    @else if ($name == "trash") { @return "#"; }
    @else if ($name == "cart") { @return "$"; }
    @else if ($name == "bank") { @return "%"; }
    @else if ($name == "flag") { @return "^"; }
    @else if ($name == "add") { @return "&"; }
    @else if ($name == "delete") { @return "*"; }
    @else if ($name == "lock") { @return "("; }
    @else if ($name == "unlock") { @return ")"; }
    @else if ($name == "minus2") { @return "_"; }
    @else if ($name == "add2") { @return "+"; }
    @else if ($name == "up") { @return "{"; }
    @else if ($name == "down") { @return "}"; }
    @else if ($name == "screens") { @return "|"; }
    @else if ($name == "bell") { @return ":"; }
    @else if ($name == "quote") { @return "\""; }
    @else if ($name == "volume_mute") { @return "<"; }     @else if ($name == "volume") { @return ">"; }
    @else if ($name == "help") { @return "?"; }

    // Backwards compat; icons that are not in the font
    @else if ($name == "arrow_left") { @return "["; }
    @else if ($name == "arrow_right") { @return "]"; }
    @else if ($name == "arrow_up") { @return "{"; }
    @else if ($name == "arrow_down") { @return "}"; }
    @else if ($name == "organize") { @return "I"; }
    @else if ($name == "bookmarks") { @return "I"; }
    @else if ($name == "star") { @return "S"; }
    @else if ($name == "maps") { @return "@"; }
    @else if ($name == "reply") { @return "R"; }

    @else {
        // @debug "#icon: icon with name '#{$name}' not found.";
        @return false;

Using the Out of the Box Icons

In prior versions of Sencha Touch you would use the SASS pictos-iconmask() mixin to encode a png file and add appropriate style references into your generated CSS file. In Touch 2.2, however, you’ll need to use the new icon() mixin  that generates a style class referencing the new pictos webfont. The sourcecode for the new icon() mixin is listed below:

 * Includes an icon to be used on Button or Tab components. The $name is the name of the icon, or the character
 * of the font being used.
 *     @include icon('attachment');
 * @param {string} $name The name of the icon to be included.
 * @param {string} $font-family The `font-family` used for this icon. Defaults to the `Pictos` font.
@mixin icon($name, $font-family: false) {
    .x-tab .x-button-icon.#{$name},
    .x-button .x-button-icon.#{$name} {
        $character: icon-character-for-name($name);

        &:before {
            @include absolute-position;
            text-align: center;

            @if $font-family {
                font-family: $font-family;

            @if $character {
                content: "#{$character}";
            } @else {
                content: "#{$name}";

Therefore, if you wanted to include a button that used the “network” icon, you would have to add the following to your .SCSS file:

@include icon('network');

Inside of your application’s source files, you would reference the icon name as an iconCls configuration property for a button component or tab as illustrated by the following snippet.

 xtype: 'button',
 iconCls: 'network',
 iconAlign: 'top',
 text: 'Net'

Note: The iconMask configuration property is no longer required on a button torender the icon.


20 thoughts on “Changes to Sencha Touch 2.2 Theming Part 1: Using Iconography

  1. Krishnan

    Hi Steve, very helpful set of tips. Thanks!
    Would it also be possible to give us a list of all the already available iconCls by default in Sencha app.css?
    For e.g., like we all know iconCls: “home” or “maps” are already in there… so if we could just get a list of all the others, that would be awesome!

  2. Krishnan

    Actually, I know about all these icons that are present:
    action, add, arrow_down, arrow_left, arrow_right, arrow_up, bookmarks, compose, delete, download, favorites, home, info, locate, maps, more, organize, refresh, reply, search, settings, star, team, time, trash, and user.
    Was just trying to know if there’s any icons other than these.

  3. Pingback: Sencha Touch theme

  4. Pingback: Adding Custom Font Icons to Sencha Touch 2.2 | ExtDesenv

  5. abhishek

    and where is the part 2 of this blog?
    couldnt find it any where.

    can anyone please post the link.

  6. Loutilities

    How about all the old icons? I see them under c:\sencha-touch\resources\themes\images\default\pictos but they are not listed in the file you mentioned, so how can I add those back in without having to alter core Sencha Touch files. Thanks!

  7. Pingback: Adding Custom Font Icons to Sencha Touch 2.2 | ExtDesenv

  8. Pingback: 4 Tricks for Smaller CSS in Sencha Touch 2.2 | SDK News

  9. Pingback: Adding Custom Font Icons to Sencha Touch 2.2 - Bruno Tavares | Bruno Tavares

  10. Pingback: Sencha Touch 2.2でCSSを小さくする4つの技 | 株式会社ゼノフィ

  11. Pingback: Sencha Touch 2: Theming Apps for Multiple Devices | Druck-I.T.

  12. Murray Hopkins

    Thanks Steve, very helpful.

    I am using Touch 2.2.1 and found that I needed to use

    @include icon(‘network’);

    rather than


    since the latter threw an error in compass:
    Invalid CSS after “@icon”: expected selector or at-rule, was (‘network’);

    And, for us newbies, to state the bleedin’ obvious, one needs to recompile the .SCSS file using compass. ie from a command prompt in your \resources\sass folder type compass compile (or compass watch if doing incremental updates to your .scss file)

    Thanks again,

  13. howellzify

    Reblogged this on Sencha Touch Tips and commented:
    Great quick review on how to use icons with sencha touch 2.2 and later. My next big question is how to add custom icons or how to get social media icons. Let me know if you have a good article that might help.

  14. Pingback: Using Custom Icons in a Sencha Touch Application | Josh Morony

  15. Pingback: Using Custom Icons in a Sencha Touch Application | Sencha Touch Tutorials & Discussion | Josh Morony's Blog

  16. Pingback: Learn How to Add Custom Fonts and Icons in Sencha TouchSencha Tutorials

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